Verderflex Dura 5 Pumps | Verder Pumps

Verder Dura 5

The Verderflex Dura 5 is suitable for lower flow dosing applications for abrasive slurry, corrosive fluids or those of high viscosity.

The innovative hose pump is highly compact and easy to maintain. Its unique design reduces the footprint by up to 70% compared to conventional peristaltic pumps. The Dura range performs exceptionally well with abrasive slurries, dry running liquid feeds, shear sensitive polymers, high viscosity sludge and dosing applications.

Max. flow 23 l/h
Max. discharge pressure 8 bar
Max. temperature 50 °C
Max. particle size 1,25 mm
Certificates Atex
Max suction lift 9,5 m wc
Hose material NR, NBR, CSM or Verderprene
Speed 70 rpm
Max particle size compressible 1,25 mm
Max. particle size smooth incompressible 0,55 mm